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Cardinal Directions in Zielbezeichnung - Gefechtsdienst
When designating a target, which variation of the cardinal directions is used ? We can use East as an example...
Richung Ost? - feindliche Schützengruppe circa 7 man - Entfernung 100m !
--- Zitat von: Knacker am 29. Februar 2024, 06:39:39 ---Richung Ost? - feindliche Schützengruppe circa 7 man - Entfernung 100m !
--- Ende Zitat ---
At this squad based tactical level, you wouldn´t use directions like East, West, South etc
Instead, relative position is given "o´clock".
So in your above example:
"Elf Uhr - Entfernung 100 m - feindliche Schützengruppe circa 7 Mann"
You could also refine this with the use of a "Hilfsziel" like this:
"Elf Uhr - Entfernung 100 m - helle Buschgruppe - links daneben feindliche Schützengruppe circa 7 Mann"
This sticks to the "REHLZ" pattern which is taught in German tactical training:
R - Richtung (direction)
E - Entfernung (distance)
H - Hilfsziel (point of reference)
L - Lage zum Hilfsziel (relative position of target to point of reference)
Z - Ziel (spotted target)
The "point of reference" obviously should be something made out easily to help in finding the target itself. It is not always possible or necessary to use a "Hilfsziel"/point of reference.
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