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Autor Thema: Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen  (Gelesen 87426 mal)


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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #210 am: 20. April 2018, 20:42:17 »
Falsche Gerüchte im Fall Skripal
Nach dem Giftattentat auf Sergej Skripal und seine Tochter in Salisbury hat die unabhängige Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen (OVCW) Proben vom Anschlagsort durch verschiedene internationale Labore überprüfen lassen. Das Ergebnis: Für das Attentat wurde das Nervengift „Nowitschok“ eingesetzt – ein Kampfstoff, der in Russland entwickelt und produziert wurde.

Staatlich kontrollierte russische Auslandsmedien verbreiten seit der vergangenen Woche in Europa, ein Labor in der Schweiz habe in den Proben das Gift „BZ“, also einen anderen Giftstoff als das russische „Nowitschok“ nachgewiesen. Es sei darum nicht belegbar, so die Behauptung, dass „Nowitschok“ für den Giftanschlag verwendet wurde.

Falsche Schlussfolgerungen
Die Schlussfolgerung ist falsch
Dass die unabhängige OVCW Vergleichsproben mit anderen Stoffen benutzt, ist allen Seiten bekannt – auch Russland. Es handelt sich also um eine gezielte Falschmeldung.

Und hier die dazugehoerige Luege Lavrovs
« Letzte Änderung: 20. April 2018, 22:16:34 von Merowig »
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #211 am: 04. Mai 2018, 22:19:04 »
Navy Reestablishes U.S. 2nd Fleet to Face Russian Threat; Plan Calls for 250 Person Command in Norfolk
Faced with a more active Russian fleet and increasing military competition across the world, the Navy has elected to reestablish U.S. 2nd Fleet to manage assets closer to the homeland, according to a memo announcing the command obtained by USNI News.
The U.S. Department of Defense announced today that it has officially offered to host the proposed NATO Joint Force Command for the Atlantic at its naval facilities in Norfolk, Virginia.

The new JFC-Norfolk will ensure that NATO can successfully conduct operations across the full spectrum of Alliance missions in the trans-Atlantic region in the northern Atlantic.
RAF Typhoons Cleared To Conduct Air Patrols Over Romania

Royal Air Force Typhoons based in Romania have been given the green light by NATO to conduct air patrols over Romania.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #212 am: 06. September 2018, 13:11:14 »
Salisbury Novichok attack: Putin ultimately responsible - minister
Vladimir Putin must take responsibility for the Salisbury Novichok attack, Security Minister Ben Wallace has said.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mr Wallace said that "ultimately, of course" the Russian president was behind the poisoning.
UK officials will on Thursday brief the UN Security Council on two men suspected of carrying out the attack.

Prosecutors say there is evidence to charge the pair, who the prime minister said are thought to be officers from Russia's military intelligence service the GRU.
She said the poisoning was "not a rogue operation" and was "almost certainly" approved at a senior level of the Russian state.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #213 am: 23. September 2018, 17:59:50 »
Skripal Poisoning Suspect’s Passport Data Shows Link to Security Services

An ongoing Bellingcat investigation conducted jointly with The Insider Russia has confirmed through uncovered passport data that the two Russian nationals identified by UK authorities as prime suspects in the Novichok poisonings on British soil are linked to Russian security services. This finding directly contradicts claims by the Russian president on 12 September 2018, and by the two men in an interview broadcast on RT one day later, that they are civilians who traveled to Salisbury for a tourist getaway.
Skripal Suspects Confirmed as GRU Operatives: Prior European Operations Disclosed

Since the publication of the first part of this investigation, other media have followed suit with obtaining access to, and disclosing the passport file of “Ruslan Boshirov” – the second suspect in the Skripals poisoning. The leaked passport file extracts similarly displayed characteristics atypical of a civilian person’ passport. Bellingcat can confirm the authenticity of the leaked passport file of “Boshirov”, and that it contains all three markings that helped identify “Petrov” as a security-service asset: “Top Secret” annotations, a blank biographical page referring to a secret attached letter, a “do not provide information” stamp, and issuing authority unit 777001, exclusively used for state VIPs and intelligence officers. In addition, “Boshirov” also has no recorded history prior to the issuance of his domestic ID passport in 2010 (2009 in “Petrov”’s case)
‘Yeah it's the GRU HQ — so what?’ Funny passport numbers link a whole web of suspected Russian intelligence operatives
Using the passport information published by Bellingcat and The Insider, the St.-Petersburg-based news website Fontanka searched various databases for people whose passports were likely issued by the same branch of Russia’s Federal Migration Service, both before and after Petrov and Boshirov received their documents. On September 22, Fontanka published the results of its study, revealing that some of these individuals indicated on different documents that their home address was 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway, which is located just around the corner from the GRU’s Moscow headquarters.

According to Fontanka, the building at 76B Khoroshevskoe Highway belongs directly to the GRU, while Russia’s Unified State Registrar of Legal Entities says it’s home to several military units, including
Branch Number 45807, whose commanding officer is Igor Korobov, the head of the GRU. According to federal law, Russian soldiers can register their documents at the address of their military unit.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #214 am: 05. Oktober 2018, 13:19:06 »
Netherlands Defence Intelligence and Security Service disrupts Russian cyber operation targeting OPCW
News item | 04-10-2018 | 12:53

On 13 April 2018, with support from the Netherlands General Intelligence and Security Service and UK counterparts, the Netherlands Defence Intelligence and Security Service (DISS) disrupted a cyber operation being carried out by a Russian military intelligence (GRU) team. The Russian operation had targeted the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague.
305 Car Registrations May Point to Massive GRU Security Breach
October 4, 2018 By Bellingcat Investigation Team
In an unprecedented step, the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD) and the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Justice on October 4, 2018 disclosed the identities under which four Russian individuals, believed to be officers of the cyber-warfare division of the Russia’s Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU). The four individuals travelled to the Netherlands in April 2018 in an attempt to hack into the computer network of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), based in The Hague. These four men travelled under diplomatic passports, two of which had consecutive issue numbers.

Following this disclosure, Bellingcat and its Russian investigative partner, The Insider, attempted to verify that the identities disclosed by the Dutch authorities were in fact the authentic identities of the persons involved. Comparing data from different databases dated 2002 to 2014, Bellingcat was able to confirm that these identities are indeed real, as opposed to cover personas, which is the case with the two GRU officers involved in the Skripal poisoning case.

Anatoliy Chepiga Is a Hero of Russia: The Writing Is on the Wall
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