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Autor Thema: 6. April 2017 - Back to the North: The Future of the German Navy  (Gelesen 3327 mal)


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6. April 2017
18.00 in Deutschland

Today’s European security environment is at its most volatile since the Cold War. A newly assertive Russia has expanded capabilities in Northern Europe and the Baltic sea region, causing increased tension with NATO nations. The maritime domain has emerged as a key friction zone where growing Russian A2AD capabilities present NATO with long-term challenges to its ability to operate in the maritime domain and provide reinforcements from the sea. At this critical juncture, the German Navy is in the process of reorienting itself towards the Baltic Sea and North Atlantic, which presents real opportunities to strengthen collective defense and increase cooperation among allies and with partners. Join us for a lively discussion focused on today’s maritime security challenges, collective defense and deterrence options for the region, and how Germany can help lead in building relevant capabilities and support operations in the Baltic Sea region and the North Atlantic.

The event will feature remarks from Vice Admiral Andreas Krause, Chief of the German Navy, and Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Chief of the German Navy’s Planning Division, followed by an interactive panel discussion with Ian Brzezinski, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, and Magnus Nordenman, Director of the Transatlantic Security Initiative and Deputy Director of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council.
falls man in Washington ist kann man die Veranstaltung besuchen ;) ansonsten live Webcast

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