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Autor Thema: Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen  (Gelesen 86897 mal)


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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #45 am: 22. Dezember 2014, 12:33:53 »

Google ist allein mehr wert, als alle an der Moskauer Boerse notierten Firmen zusammen :D
Russland ist für die Märkte bald nur noch Schrott

Russland droht die Abwertung auf Ramschniveau – und der Verlust des Status als entwickelte Industrienation. Der Absturz ist so krass, dass manch US-Konzern mehr wert ist als die russische Börse.
Scenes from Putin’s Economic Meltdown

Russian shoppers are buying everything they can—before the ruble collapses completely

et the hot deals while they last! Whatever’s on your holiday shopping list—buy now, it may never be this cheap again! In a single day this past week, the ruble exchange rate dropped from 59 to 80 to the dollar, further eroding confidence in the Russian economy and ensuring a deep recession next year—but also briefly turning Moscow into the shopping capital of the world.
Stuck in the Middle: Polish Intellectuals Sound the Alarm on Russia
Poland has long seen itself as stuck between the East and West, resulting in plenty of historical suffering. Russian aggression in Ukraine has many in the country fearing the worst. Leading Polish writers worry that the West isn't doing enough.
This fear is tangible everywhere. It stares out from the front pages of newspapers and magazines, crawls across TV screens and slips into barroom conversations. It nestles in people's minds. It is the fear of Vladimir Putin's Russia. It is the fear thatEurope is not reacting forcefully enough to the crisis in Ukraine, the fear that Putin will advance not only to the Donets River, but soon also to the banks of the Vistula. And it is the fear of Putin himself, who just a few days ago made reference to the "centuries old common history" that connects Poles and Russians, words that sparked anxiety among the Polish media, because they match the rhetoric of the cold embrace that the Russian president has reserved for Ukraine.
The week the dam broke in Russia and ended Putin's dreams

“It’s going to be worse than the default crisis in 1998. This time you have a situation where the West is against them,” said Mr Browder from Hermitage
Putin took a huge gamble. Deutsche Bank and other lenders were already forecasting an oil glut in 2014 as the US flooded the markets with shale oil. Nor did the Kremlin team seem to fully grasp that Russia is far more vulnerable to sanctions now that it depends on foreign capital and is tied into global finance. For the last decade, an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic war, crafting ways to bring countries to their knees without firing a shot.

The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking system, buttressed by a network of allies. Iran has felt its grim effects. “It is a new kind of war, like a creeping financial insurgency, intended to constrict our enemies’ financial lifeblood, unprecedented in its reach,” says Juan Zarate, who once led the team.
Six Bitter Russian Jokes About Russia’s Economic Collapse
Every political joke is a small revolution, Soviet dissidents often said, and consequently, the anecdotes Russians tell one another about the situations they find themselves in may provide a better indication of where they are at and what they expect than any poll.
« Letzte Änderung: 22. Dezember 2014, 12:54:24 von Merowig »
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #46 am: 23. Dezember 2014, 02:43:51 »

Blockierter Demo-Aufruf: Putins Angst vor einem Moskauer Maidan

Tapatalk @ NEXU5 L


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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #47 am: 24. Dezember 2014, 00:53:04 »
Putin's Western Allies

Why Europe's Far Right Is on the Kremlin's Side
Given that one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stated reasons for invading Crimea was to prevent “Nazis” from coming to power in Ukraine, it is perhaps surprising that his regime is growing closer by the month to extreme right-wing parties across Europe. But, in both cases, Putin’s motives are not primarily ideological. In Ukraine, he simply wants to grab territory that he believes rightly belongs to him. In the European Union, he hopes that his backing of fringe parties will destabilize his foes and install in Brussels politicians who will be focused on dismantling the EU rather than enlarging it.

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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #48 am: 04. Januar 2015, 17:13:40 »
Cheap oil: when bad things happen to bad people
Oil is, disproportionately, the fuel of evil. It may be the fuel of freedom of movement but it is also the greatest root source of more pollution and dirty politics than anything else. The good news is that the collapse in the price of oil this year has, disproportionately, afflicted repellent regimes.
Dawisha follows the money trail that enabled this process, back to the 1980s when the Soviet Communist Party transferred a huge amount of money offshore to preserve its assets at a time of disruption. The KGB, including Putin, was central to this process.
Southern Spain was popular with the launderers and looters, especially Russian organised crime figures.  In 1999, as Spanish police were tapping the phones of billionaire Boris Berezovsky and several Russian mafia bosses, to their immense surprise they picked up the voice of Putin. He had travelled to Spain for secret meetings, bypassing border control.

Putin persuaded Berezovsky and others that he and the old KGB structure would protect their wealth amid the great uncertainty in Russia. With the backing of many of the new wealth barons, Putin became Prime Minister in 1999, within months of his secret visit to Spain. He became president the following year. He immediately gained control of Gazprom, the privatised national gas company, which became the source of enormous cash for his projects.

Mit Putin als Blofeld karrikiert   8)
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #49 am: 10. Januar 2015, 12:53:49 »
Poland Wants NATO Response to Russia's Military Activity in Baltic

WARSAW — Poland expects the NATO alliance to step up its military exercises around the Baltic Sea after a flurry of activity by Russian warships and jet fighters in the area last month, Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak told Reuters in an interview.
Russia Cut to One Step Above Junk by Fitch on Oil, Sanctions
Russia’s credit rating was cut to the lowest investment grade by Fitch Ratings after plummeting oil prices and the conflict over Ukraine triggered the worst currency crisis since the country’s 1998 default.
Will 2015 Be A Turning Point For Putin And His Regime
This year will be a tough one for Vladimir Putin as the Russian people come to better understand the huge social and economic costs of his Ukraine venture. Putin has violated his pledge of growth and prosperity. He has lost Ukraine and has turned Russia into a rogue state. The sanctions combined with low oil prices have created a perfect storm of declining living standards and double digit inflation that is draining Russia of its reserves. Russia now lacks the resources for a Novorossiya campaign (which the Russian people show little interest anyway). Putin has created the opportunity for a new Ukraine and for regime change at home. We must wonder, like President Obama does, whether this guy is smart after all.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #50 am: 12. Januar 2015, 12:20:41 »
EU to consider possibility of creating new Russian-language TV channel
Latvia, which is holding the rotating presidency in the EU, will consider a possibility of creating a new Russian-language TV channel at the upcoming EU ministerial meeting scheduled for January 19, APA reports quoting TASS.

und die Original Tass Meldung (durch Google Translate)
MFA: the creation of the EU contrapropaganda Russian-language channel is contrary to freedom of expression

TASS /.  EU plans to create a "counter-propaganda channel" contrary to the freedom of speech.  This was announced on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov, answering the question TASS.
"We have always had a positive attitude to freedom of speech, but the EU plans to create a sort of channel counterpropaganda unlikely to meet the very concept of freedom of speech," - said a senior diplomat.

Man moege sich das auf die Zunge zergehen lassen - ein russisch-sprachiger Fernsehsender aus Europa (der dann mal nicht vom Kreml gesteuert wird) bedeudet, dass die freie Meinungsaeusserung verletzt wird.

Erster April schon ?

Erinnert mich auch ein wenig an Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf - Iraks Propaganda Minister der besser bekannt ist als Baghdad Bob und Comical Ali - haelt Pressekonferenz mit seinen Triaden und 200m weiter hoert man Amerikanische Panzer...
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #51 am: 12. Januar 2015, 12:39:53 »

Nur mal so nebenbei, wie kommt es, dass du generell nur anderssprachige Artikel liest? Glaubst du der deutschen Presse nicht oder ist deutsch eventuell nicht deine Muttersprache? Würde mich wirklich interessieren.

Zu der Sache mit europäischen, russischsprachigen Fernsehsender muss man wohl nicht viel sagen... Schlimm ist allerdings, dass Putin angesichts der Angst vor islamistischem Terror immer mehr zum Sunnyboy und Redner für die Unterschicht verkommt.
Ich habe gerade gestern einen Artikel gelesen, dass es in Russland erst einmal generell ALLEN Menschen untersagt ist, mit einer Persönlichkeitsstörung einen Führerschein zu erwerben oder zu besitzen. Eine Persönlichkeitsstörung sind laut WHO aus Transsexualität, Spielsucht, Kleptomanie, Pädophilie, etc. Ein Arzt muss gesondert attestieren, dass die Persönlichkeitsstörung keinen Einfluss auf die Fahrtauglichkeit hat. Der russischen Regierung wird damit so unglaublich viel Macht eingestanden, dass mir die Galle hochkommt. Dass die Attestierung nicht immer auf fachlich, sachlicher Grundlage erfolgt, schein mir - persönlich - fast sicher...!152564/
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #52 am: 19. Januar 2015, 10:40:03 »
Russia Could Soon Threaten Three 'Ukraines' at Once, U.S. General Warns
Russia is working to develop within a few years the capability to threaten several neighbors at once on the scale of its present operation in Ukraine, a senior American general said.
Army to send even more troops, tanks to Europe
In Lithuania, the Museum of Genocide Victims holds stark reminders of the Nazi and Soviet Union occupations that devastated the Baltic state.
Senior military leaders, including NATO's top military officer, Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, are calling for a halt to the U.S. withdrawal from Europe. U.S. lawmakers are calling for the Defense Department to stop retiring F-15 aircraft in Europe and stop the removal of dual-capable aircraft from the European area of operations. The Navy has sent ships on presence missions to the Baltic and Black Seas.
Britain announces 1,000 more troops for Eastern Europe exercises
British troops will this year join manoeuvres in Poland, the Baltic States, Bulgaria and Germany
Britain will bolster Nato war games in Eastern Europe with another 1,000 troops as the alliance tries to mount a show of strength in the region to counter Russian aggression.

Russia misses deadline for $50 billion Yukos payment
The Russian government missed the deadline on Jan. 15 for paying $50 billion to the shareholders of defunct oil company Yukos in what has been called the largest commercial lawsuit in history.
Russia’s 2015 budget does not envisage expenses on paying $50 billion to Yukos, Vedomosti reported on Jan. 15, citing a government source. Russian Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov said on Jan. 14 that the government had not decided yet on whether to pay the debt and would further consider the issue.
Graham Ackerman, a spokesman for Group Menatep Limited – an entity representing Yukos’ shareholders - said by phone that the group would file lawsuits over the next few weeks seeking to seize Russian government assets abroad. Yukos’ shareholders are also making progress on several other cases against the Kremlin, he added.
Das weltweite Beschlagnahmen von russisschem Staatseigentum koennte recht interessant werden. Normal passieren solche Sachen eigentlich nur Argentinien und dem einen oder anderen Staat in Afrika. :D

Historisch - ueber dem Schmuggeln von Literatur in und aus der Udssr durch die CIA:
Russian-Language Tweet Prompts Fears CIA's Twitter Account Was Hacked
A Russian-language tweet posted on the CIA's Twitter page left some Internet users in a buzz on Thursday, amid speculation that the agency's account had been hacked.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #53 am: 22. Januar 2015, 17:49:18 »
NATO Sets Seven-Day Response for Rapid Reaction Force
NATO said its rapid-response force will be on seven-day standby in case of an attack and could go into action faster if it picks up signals of an imminent threat.
Romania pledges to spend 2% GDP on defence by 2017
Romania will increase its defence spending to 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2017, with an agreement signed by all of the country's parliamentary parties on 13 January.

The proposal was made by Romanian president Klaus Iohannis, who, in an official statement on 12 January, firmly pointed to the Ukraine crisis and Russian action as being behind the move.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #54 am: 31. Januar 2015, 16:28:55 »
NATO units to Eastern Europe; France pledges tanks
BRUSSELS — NATO said Friday it will deploy small units in six eastern European nations to help coordinate a spearhead force set up in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine.
Russia to get more missiles, NATO urges increase in spending

Russia's top general has pledged to use a strengthened arsenal to ensure military superiority over the West. NATO, meanwhile, has urged its member states to invest more in defense.
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #55 am: 03. Februar 2015, 02:33:10 »

Eine gute Nachricht gibt es fuer die Russen - wegen den aktuellen schweren Zeiten, verbilligt der russische Staat Vodka
Russia Cuts Price of Vodka Amid Double-Digit Inflation
Russia has dropped the minimum price of vodka by 16 percent in an attempt to ward off a rise in moonshine consumption, spurred on by the falling ruble and contracting economy.

Letzte Woche hat die NATO auch ihren jaehrlichen Report veroeffentlicht
The Secretary General's Annual Report 2014

Videos/Vortraege etc von der gestern und heute stattfindenden Sicherheitskonferenz in Norwegen

siehe auch
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #56 am: 03. Februar 2015, 16:47:37 »

Nett - die Russen fliegen jetzt Atombomben vor der britischen Kueste spazieren
Intercepted Russian bomber was carrying a nuclear missile over the Channel

A RUSSIAN bomber intercepted over the Channel last week was carrying a nuclear missile designed to destroy Trident submarines, it emerged last night.

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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #57 am: 03. Februar 2015, 23:47:16 »
Russian Parliament Set to Request €4 Trillion in WWII Reparations From Germany
Members of the Russian parliament are creating a task force to estimate the damages inflicted on Russia by Germany during WWII, in a bid to demand financial compensation from the German state almost 70 years after the end of the conflict, Russian daily newspaper Izvestia reported on Tuesday.
Spend more on defence to combat Russia, Nato tells UK as Putin goes ahead with £190billion modernisation programme for its armed forces
Britain and Nato allies warned they need to beef up their defence spending
Nato Secretary-General: Security environment has changed in the past year
Jens Stoltenberg said the biggest challenge comes from Russia
Tensions between Russia and West have risen over the conflict in Ukraine
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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #58 am: 04. Februar 2015, 15:20:41 »
Russian Parliament Set to Request €4 Trillion in WWII Reparations From Germany
Members of the Russian parliament are creating a task force to estimate the damages inflicted on Russia by Germany during WWII, in a bid to demand financial compensation from the German state almost 70 years after the end of the conflict, Russian daily newspaper Izvestia reported on Tuesday.

Haben die eigentlich nichts besseres zu tun? Ich kann das nicht ernst nehmen und bin damit sicher nicht allein.
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Helft mit, dass es so bleiben kann!


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Antw:Zwischenfaelle zwischen Russland und dem Westen
« Antwort #59 am: 04. Februar 2015, 15:42:44 »

Na, Griechenland spielt das Spiel doch auch - wollen die beiden sich nicht "zusammentun"?
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