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Autor Thema: USA - China  (Gelesen 7306 mal)


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USA - China
« am: 29. September 2016, 18:04:43 »
War with China

Thinking Through the Unthinkable

Conflict Could Be Decided by Domestic Political, International, and Economic Factors, All of Which Would Favor the United States in a Long, Severe War
•Although a war would harm both economies, damage to China's would be far worse.
•Because much of the Western Pacific would become a war zone, China's trade with the region and the rest of the world would decline substantially.
•China's loss of seaborne energy supplies would be especially damaging.
•A long conflict could expose China to internal political divisions.
•Japan's increased military activity in the region could have a considerable influence on military operations.

Sehr interessante Studie bezueglich eines moeglichen Konfliktes.
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« Antwort #1 am: 29. September 2016, 18:21:51 »

Beides Atommächte.
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« Antwort #2 am: 15. November 2016, 08:37:16 »
China Claims Its New Anti-Stealth Radars Can Detect the F-22

If true, that's bad news.
China showed off what it claims is an anti-stealth radar system at this month's Zhuhai Air Show. If true, the radar threatens to undo hundreds of billions in U.S. spending on stealth warplanes.
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« Antwort #3 am: 15. November 2016, 08:46:29 »

Does this mean stealth is dead? Not every radar is a VHF radar, and stealth is still useful against radars that are not VHF. Stealth also likely decreases the range at which radars such as Skywatcher can acquire targets. Stealth is part of the package of essential features of a modern combat aircraft, as important as electronic countermeasures, radars, or and defensive systems. Stealth, whether anyone likes it or not, is here to stay.

China ist allerdings "clever", was den Einsatz / Entwicklung solcher Technologien angeht - mit preiswerteren "Non Access" Technologien spart man eine Menge Geld.
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« Antwort #5 am: 15. November 2016, 15:51:44 »

Der Stern Artikel erreicht nicht mal "popular" Niveau - einfach mies geschrieben.

Mit VHF Radaren und Nutzung von "Elektrosmog" kann man "unsichtbare" Flugzeuge jedenfalls besser aufklären als bisher - wirklich "unsichtbar" waren diese ja nie.

Es ging und geht ja nur darum, einen Vorteil zu haben, und später als der Gegner erkannt zu werden.
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« Antwort #6 am: 15. November 2016, 16:01:31 »
China threatens to cut sales of iPhones and US cars if 'naive' Trump pursues trade war

President-elect ‘will be condemned for his recklessness, ignorance and incompetence’ if he imposes tariffs, says Communist party-controlled paper
During the acrimonious race for the White House Trump repeatedly lashed out at China, vowing to punish Beijing with “defensive” 45% tariffs on Chinese imports and to officially declare it a currency manipulator.
“When they see that they will stop the cheating,” the billionaire Republican, who has accused Beijing of “the greatest theft in the history of the world”, told a rally in August.
Why China Should Beware a Trump Presidency

Japan would likely be the first country to develop a nuclear weapon.
For example, three of the seven points in Trump’s  Plan to Rebuild the American Economy mention policies that would hurt the U.S.-China economic relationship: labeling China a currency manipulator; bringing trade cases against China in the World Trade Organization; and imposing tariffs in response to “illegal activities.”
Why the West Must Stop China

We can no longer appease China every time they overstep their bounds and make inconsequential diplomatic protests
Over the past decade, China has become increasingly bold, doing everything it can to act the neighborhood bully. Narcissistic, entitled and unwilling to bear any criticism, China seems to believe it can walk over almost anyone—mostly because no one has given them any reason to think otherwise. Nations have refrained from criticizing China too strongly, or taking any kind of action, because they rely on the trade that has increased so massively from a country of over one billion people. Such reliance, however, is like continually spending on a credit card, ignoring the fact that one day the bill is going to be due.
No one has yet stood up to China on this issue, because many of the disputed islands have been deemed too small and insignificant to start a major diplomatic row, or even a minor scuffle over. Yet the lack of action by both China’s neighbors and by the West has allowed China to become increasingly bold in their actions. We are now at the point where anything short of military action—and a hard line against China’s encroachment on the area—is going to continue to cost everyone dearly in the future.
Can America's F-15 Fighter Stay Ahead of China's J-10?
The US Air Force is vigorously upgrading the 1980s-era F-15 fighter by giving new weapons and sensors in the hope of maintaining air-to-air superiority over the Chinese J-10 equivalent.

The Air Force is reving up electronic warfare upgrades for its F-15 fighter as a way to better protect against enemy fire and electronic attacks, service officials said.
Secret Backdoor in Some U.S. Phones Sent Data to China, Analysts Say
WASHINGTON — For about $50, you can get a smartphone with a high-definition display, fast data service and, according to security contractors, a secret feature: a backdoor that sends all your text messages to China every 72 hours.

Security contractors recently discovered preinstalled software in some Android phones that monitors where users go, whom they talk to and what they write in text messages. The American authorities say it is not clear whether this represents secretive data mining for advertising purposes or a Chinese government effort to collect intelligence.
« Letzte Änderung: 15. November 2016, 17:04:06 von Merowig »
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« Antwort #7 am: 17. November 2016, 17:55:09 »
U.S. panel urges ban on China state firms buying U.S. companies
U.S. lawmakers should take action to ban China's state-owned firms from acquiring U.S. companies, a congressional panel charged with monitoring security and trade links between Washington and Beijing said on Wednesday.
In its annual report to Congress, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission said the Chinese Communist Party has used state-backed enterprises as the primary economic tool to advance and achieve its national security objectives.
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« Antwort #8 am: 17. November 2016, 20:21:56 »

Merowig mal eine kurze Frage, da ich es wirklich bewundernswert finde, mit welcher Ausdauer du hier tagtäglich Dutzende Artikel postest. Aber was willst du damit eigentlich erreichen? Dazu noch ständig in Englisch. Nicht dass ich gelegentlich nicht auch mal Zeit finde und auch mal die ein oder anderen Artikel lese und mich weiter informiere, aber du kannst doch wohl kaum glauben, dass sich jeder Zeit nimmt, diese Masse mit der du hier geradezu die Leser bombardierst, auch wirklich zu lesen?
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"Ich stehe vor der Bundeswehr, zu der ich seit 22 Jahren auch "meine Armee" sagen kann. Und bin froh, weil ich zu dieser Armee und zu den Menschen, die hier dienen, aus vollem Herzen sagen kann: Diese Bundeswehr ist keine Begrenzung der Freiheit, sie ist eine Stütze unserer Freiheit." Joachim Gauck


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« Antwort #9 am: 17. November 2016, 20:58:15 »

So ähnlich hatte ich auch schon mal nachgefragt, da kam NICHTS von Substanz zurück. Seit dem steht er auf meiner Liste und ich muss mir das nicht mehr geben.
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StOFä (NVA) a.D., StFw a.D.
aktiver Soldat vom 01.11.71 bis 30.06.06, gedient in zwei Armeen


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« Antwort #10 am: 17. November 2016, 21:22:55 »

Ich poste was ich fuer interessant/lesenswert halte.
Muss niemand anklicken / lesen (ich selbst habe Zeit zu lesen und bin berufstaetig).
Viele Artikel gibt es nur auf Englisch oder die deutsche Version ist qualitativ minderwertig... - wer in der Schule nicht aufgepasst hat, kann den Link durch Google Translate schicken, sollte er das wirklich lesen wollen...  ::)

Erwarte nicht das jeder alles liest. Warum auch? Ich tu mir auch nicht alle Kommentare von anderen immer an

« Letzte Änderung: 17. November 2016, 22:01:29 von Merowig »
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« Antwort #11 am: 17. November 2016, 21:24:57 »

KlausP hat in der Schule sicherlich kein Englisch, der ist in einem anderen Land aufgewachsen.  ;)
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« Antwort #12 am: 17. November 2016, 21:34:10 »

Er hatte laut eigenen Angaben Englisch gehabt an einer NVA Schule ;)
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« Antwort #13 am: 17. November 2016, 21:44:51 »

Na denn sollte er ja auch in der Lage sein die NYT oder WaPo zu lesen  ;)

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Antw:USA - China
« Antwort #14 am: 17. November 2016, 21:51:24 »

KlausP hat in der Schule sicherlich kein Englisch, der ist in einem anderen Land aufgewachsen.  ;)

Völlig falsch geraten.
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StOFä (NVA) a.D., StFw a.D.
aktiver Soldat vom 01.11.71 bis 30.06.06, gedient in zwei Armeen

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